Trauma & Hope Chevy Chase MD 12 Feb 2023

Continuous Trauma and Social Devastation, or Caring for All?
St John’s Norwood Episcopal Church
6701 Wisconsin Ave Chevy Chase MD 20815
(red line Metro Bethesda/Chevy Chase stop)
Sunday, February 12, 2023
12:00-2PM, in person reception, lecture
fundraiser/free-will offering to support GCMHP
Dr. Abu Jamei will be joined by local panelists discussing social division
and racisms globally, in the Gaza Strip, and in Washington, as well as anti-
racism, equality and respect as core values going forward for all peoples.
Dr Nancy Murray (Gaza Mental Health Foundation, Inc.)
Fida Adely, Phd (Georgetown University)
James Gordon, MD (Center for Mind Body Medicine)
Kathryn Chefetz, LCSW (Trauma Psychotherapist)
Richard Chefetz, MD (Trauma Psychotherapist)